Gamma Segundo

Gamma Segundo

Friday, May 2, 2014

2014 Season about to begin

New season is about to begin with first event 24 hours away.

Once again, we will start off the 2014 season at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park.

There has been a lot of construction and renovations there during the off-season, and looking forward to see the improvements.

As for the racing cars.....the new chassis is now complete yet, but should see the track mid-way through the season.  The current car has been stripped, sandblasted, painted, and re-assembled during the off-season.  Be sure to check out the photo gallery on facebook

Alignment is finished, car weighed and balanced, good to go.

A mid-season test run shows two minor oil leaks--clamps and hoses--that are now repaired.

Some bad news for our F4 (formula four) series--it looks like the car count will be down.  That is disappointing.

On another note, the Radical Cup series looks to be growing and they should have many more entries this season.  What does that mean for Gamma Car?  It means more, more expensive cars with bigger motors to beat!

Be sure to come check out the races the season, I will be posting complimentary tickets on our facebook page.


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